
NSW COVID-19 assistance updates

Updates to NSW COVID-19 assistance conditions

Service NSW updates to eligibility requirements for decline in turnover testing

Please note the following changes to conditions when applying for either the Small Business Grant, JobSaver assistance or the Micro-Business Grant.

Summary of latest updates

The comparison period used for the purpose of working out your reduction in turnover can now be either of:

  • The same period in 2019;
  • The same period in 2020;
  • The 2-week period immediately before the Greater Sydney lockdown commenced (12 June to 25 June 2021)

For JobSaver and the micro-business grant, the test period for the turnover comparison has been extended from 30 July to 28 August.

As the lockdown continues we anticipate further changes to be made

With a range of support available to NSW businesses impacted by COVID-19, keep an eye on the COVID-19 Resources section of our website for announcements and updates.

Applicants need to apply via the Service NSW website using a MyServiceNSW Account and often require an accountant’s prepared declaration as part of the grant submission process. Salisbury Accountants will be able to provide assistance to our clients as we have done with previous NSW grant programs, bearing in mind this new information.

This link to acceptable supporting documentation is also useful.

Read more on the Service NSW website or call the Salisbury’s team on 02 6041 3014.