woman hold a tax clock

Salisburys tax planning reminder

Reduce your tax

With the end of financial year just weeks away, there is still time to discuss with us the actions you can take before 30 June to reduce tax and access additional cash flow.

“In the business world, the rear view mirror is always clearer than the windshield” – Warren Buffett

It’s the end of the financial year and we hope that you are well and starting to develop plans and strategies to empower you and your business to emerge from the COVID-19 coronavirus lockdowns reinvigorated!

Many of our clients have already taken the opportunity of asking Salisbury Accountants & Business Advisors to perform a wider range of tax and business strategic services over recent months – why not discuss with our team the broader range of services and support we offer to help you survive in your business this tax time and beyond the end of government support in September?

Have you given serious consideration to the following:

  • Year-end tax planning
    • Go here to access our business and personal tax guides
    • Or go here to check out our wider list of tax initiatives
  • Budgets and cash flow forecasts to 30 June 2021
  • Strategic and operational advisory assistance to maximise opportunities post COVID-19
  • Government loans and subsidies such as the Regional Investment Corporation

We have the team here at Salisburys to assist you with any of the above.  If you would like to book in a tax planning session or discuss how we can help you please contact us on 02 6041 3014.