
7 Ways to Navigate the Changing Employment Landscape

COVID-19 has had a big impact on employment, though the impact is not yet fully understood

No doubt there will be positive outcomes, like employees leaving unrewarding jobs to pursue new challenges. Likewise, some businesses will ‘rationalise’ their workforces to better serve shareholders, customers and employees.

One thing won’t change. Most businesses will still need people […]

Pricing Strategy to Drive Growth and Profit

Your pricing strategy

In some ways, managing a business is not so difficult, at least from a financial perspective. By attracting more customers or selling more to existing customers, you grow revenue.

You also try to ensure that revenue greatly exceeds expenses – in which case profits are high!

Simple, right? But what’s missing from […]

The Finance Function

12 ways to Drive Strategy and Value Creation

No matter the size of your business, the finance function should focus on STRATEGY and VALUE CREATION.

This will create a competitive advantage and give leaders peace of mind.

Yes, annual returns need to be filed and past performance should be tracked… but the finance function should […]

Business Resilience and Understanding Your Market

As accountants, we want our clients to build resilient and successful businesses

That means overcoming the challenges and pursuing the opportunities presented by current market conditions.

Leaders of resilient businesses ensure they understand their market, especially the customers and competition.

Some leaders have an ‘innate sense’ about their market; a ‘gut feeling’ about their customers […]

AMGC Project Funds

Advanced Manufacturing Growth Centre (AMGC)

Expressions of Interest invited

AMGC co-funds industry projects to commercialise innovation. In this way, approved projects demonstrate how to enhance Australia’s global competitiveness and set the direction for industry across the country.

AMGC’s pipeline of Core Projects and AMESRF projects is currently oversubscribed. As a result, they are not in […]

2021 Business Planning

Business planning for 2021

By Ben Gay, Salisburys Director

We hope you’re managing and working your way through what has been one of the most challenging times from an economic and also from a social point of view certainly in our lifetime.

As we consider this new financial year despite the challenges we have been […]

Is Your Business Model Standing the Test of COVID-19?

Staying Current in Changing Times

In very simple terms, a business model refers to “the way a business makes money”.

Take a retailer, for example, who buys and displays products of interest to customers. By attracting people into their store, they sell those products and make a profit, provided the sales price exceeds the costs […]

The Power of Price

Or should we talk about Value?

If you’re a Bruce Springsteen fan, you might enjoy his song “The Price You Pay” (also covered by Emmylou Harris).

Roger Daltrey of the Who sings “The Price of Love” while Twisted Sister released “Pay the Price” in 1999. The Doobie Brothers contemplate life in “Too High a Price” while the Thompson Twins think […]

Pricing strategy that drives profit

Pricing is underestimated as a driver of business growth

“Getting new customers” is what business owners first think about when they want to grow.

Then they think of “selling more to existing customers”. These are both plausible ways to grow a business… though a change in pricing can bring even better results to the bottom […]