
Tax-smart tips for crypto asset investments

You may need to include a capital gain or capital loss in your income tax return

If you exchange crypto assets (crypto) for goods, cash or other crypto assets then this is normally considered a disposal for the purposes of capital gains tax.

Make tax time easier by remembering these 3 tips: Disposal of crypto assets […]

February 2022 cryptocurrency scam

Cryptocurrency tax evasion scam

Scammers pretending to be from the ATO are telling people they are suspected of being involved in cryptocurrency tax evasion

They are then asking them to ‘connect their wallet’ and provide detailed information via a link.

If you receive an SMS or email like this, don’t click on the link. It […]

Record keeping for CGT

Record keeping for capital gains tax (CGT)

As the ATO’s data-matching capabilities increase, they are paying close attention to capital gains made on shares, property and cryptocurrency.

Always keep good records in relation to these assets, as this will help in working out a capital gain or loss correctly when you dispose of one. Your […]