
NSW announces online witnessing measure

Online witnessing of legal forms passed in Parliament

The signing of legal documents such as wills, statutory declarations, and affidavits can be done more efficiently with online witnessing of the task.

The legislation that allowed the remote witnessing scheme as a temporary response to COVID-19, is now a permanent feature in NSW.


Reviewing business performance

Why just reviewing top-line financial half-yearly performance is no longer enough

In our new business world, annual reporting is becoming redundant because, by the time annual results are consolidated and produced, the data is already obsolete and the market has moved on.

In the changing commercial landscape, delaying indepth business reviews until the end of […]

Bringing Cash to the Centre

Emerging Cash Management Best Practices

The initial response of many business leaders to COVID-19 was to ensure survival.

Most succeeded and, in the process, reinvented their business to suit the ‘new order’.

Some reduced the range of activities or down-sized in anticipation of better days. Others preserved cash by reducing external spending, cutting dividends, closing temporarily and […]

VIC solar and energy programs

Small business Energy Saver program

The Small Business Energy Saver program provides a bonus incentive to small businesses to upgrade equipment to increase energy efficiency.

The Victorian Energy Upgrades program provides support to medium and large businesses. This program specifically caters for Victorian Energy Upgrades to small businesses.

Small businesses must:

have 1 to 19 […]

Using Data to Drive Decision-making to Build Business

There’s a lot of talk about data and how it will change the way we do business

That’s probably true… but some business owners are not benefiting from data in their decision-making.

Others are spending money on pricey systems in the hope of utilising data. Results appear to be mixed. As accountants, we have had […]

What are your revenue goals?

It’s Never Too Late!

OK, the year is well underway… and it seems like just moments ago we were wrapping up the prior year. How has it started for you?

Are you ultra-focused on the goals you set and making measurable progress? Or are you just treading water, marking time, chalking up ‘Another Yesterday’?

As […]

Your Business Dashboard

What Should You Be Seeing

There was a time when cars didn’t have a fuel gauge. That meant you had to understand the size of your fuel tank, remember when you last bought fuel (and how much) and estimate the distance you’ve travelled since filling up.

None of that is particularly hard, but, depending on […]

Things to do in a new business

There are 101 Things to Do in Any New Business

But Which are the 97 you Shouldn’t Do?

Most business owners are motivated by goals. They may not have clarity on what those goals are because they have not set aside time to think about it, document it, or consider the relative importance of various […]