
Building your business budget

Top down or bottom up? Building your business budget

By Ben Gay, Salisburys Director

Once you’ve defined your Action Plan, it’s time to understand what this means financially for you and your business.

Start to build your budget. Why do we budget?

Quite simply, making sure the goals and targets you’re setting, and the action […]

Is Your Business Model Standing the Test of COVID-19?

Staying Current in Changing Times

In very simple terms, a business model refers to “the way a business makes money”.

Take a retailer, for example, who buys and displays products of interest to customers. By attracting people into their store, they sell those products and make a profit, provided the sales price exceeds the costs […]

Managing (and Getting Help) Through a Business Crisis

Recent global events have tested the mettle of management and boards everywhere

Some businesses will emerge stronger and, sadly, some will cease to exist in their current form.

Skilled leaders have a better chance of navigating adverse conditions so let’s look closely at some of those skills.

Getting a Quick Understanding of the Problem

Usually, […]

COVID-19 work-from-home expense FAQs

The ATO issues specific guidance addressing common questions

Many of our clients have questions about claiming expenses when forced to work from home over the COVID-19 period.

The accounting profession has also reported other clients coming to them with concerns about any consequent capital gains issues when later selling a property from which they had […]

Shortcut method for claiming home office running costs

Shortcut method for claiming home office running costs

ATO announces short cut method for claiming home office running costs

The Australian Taxation Office (‘ATO’) has announced a temporary simplified short cut method to make it easier for individual taxpayers to claim deductions for additional running expenses incurred (e.g., additional heating, cooling and lighting costs), as […]

Fringe Benefits Tax 2020

What every employer needs to know about fringe benefits

On 31 March 2020, the Fringe Benefits Tax (FBT) year ends. With the ever-increasing budget deficits, the ATO will be reviewing whether all employers who should be paying FBT are, and that they are paying the right amount.

To help you meet your fringe benefits obligations, […]

Breaking Old Habits to Drive Costs Down

Don’t get caught in old bad habits

Especially where you can quickly improve the bottom line

“Old habits die hard | Old soldiers just fade away | Old habits die hard | Harder than November rain”

Recognize the song? It’s called “Old Habits Die Hard” and the lyrics were written by Mick Jagger for the […]

Knowing and Acting on What Makes you Succeed

Business Gymnastics

Back in July 1976 at the Montreal Olympics, Nadia Comăneci was awarded the first perfect 10 in Olympic gymnastics for her routine on the uneven bars.

It is controversial whether an athlete can ever perform ‘perfectly’ but that’s what the judges decided. Ironically, Omega, the provider of Olympic electronic scoreboards had programmed the […]

Legal expenses and tax deductibility

Do you have a legal expense?

Is it deductible?

When a legal expense is incurred in relation to the operation of a business to produce assessable income, it is generally allowable as a deduction. Exceptions are when the legal fee is capital, domestic or private in nature, if it is specifically excluded by another […]

Tax planning tactics for individuals

EOFY last-minute tax planning tactics for individuals

This financial year is almost over, but there are still tactics you may be able to employ to make sure you pay the right amount of tax for the 2018-19 year.

While the best strategies are adopted in July (that is, as early as possible in a financial […]