
Sales Data to Drive Success

The Shifting Landscape of Sales

The science of plate tectonics is how we explain the movement of continents. Yes, continents are moving all the time … but extremely slowly!

For instance, it is said that the North American and Eurasian tectonic plates are moving away from each other at about 2.5 centimetres per year!

Fortunately, […]

Your Business Dashboard

What Should You Be Seeing

There was a time when cars didn’t have a fuel gauge. That meant you had to understand the size of your fuel tank, remember when you last bought fuel (and how much) and estimate the distance you’ve travelled since filling up.

None of that is particularly hard, but, depending on […]

STP for small business

Small businesses need to be ready for STP by 30 September

Reporting through Single Touch Payroll (STP) for small employers started on 1 July.

Your small business has until 30 September 2019 to take action. There is a range of resources available to help:

Introductory guide for small employers – to help small employers […]

Tax deductible ‘non-compliant’ payments

Tax deductibility of ‘non-compliant’ payments about to get the chop

From 1 July 2019, businesses will only be able to claim deductions for payments that are made to workers (employees or contractors) when the employer has complied with the pay-as-you-go (PAYG) withholding and other tax reporting obligations for that payment.

If the PAYG withholding rules require a […]

No tax deductions if you don’t meet tax obligations

Big Tax Changes: No tax deductions if you don’t meet your tax obligations

There’s recently been a big tax law change that may reduce the tax deductions for many businesses across Australia.

This may happen if you:

Don’t lodge your BAS on time; or Don’t lodge your payroll each week using Single Touch Payroll […]

Important End of Financial Year Actions for You

EOFY reminders – annual tax returns

Another financial year is about to finish! As a business owner, there are many obligations that you need to consider and action just before and after 30 June.

Some of these will help to minimise your tax. Others will reduce your exposure to an ATO tax audit. We have […]