
Reengineering Your Business

For Profit and Sustainability

Sometimes business leaders need to fundamentally change the way things are done in order to grow profit, or just to survive.

This is termed ‘Business Reengineering’.

What is Business Reengineering?

Business Reengineering usually means eliminating activities or processes which are not adding value. In some cases, they will be substituted with better […]

Reviewing business performance

Why just reviewing top-line financial half-yearly performance is no longer enough

In our new business world, annual reporting is becoming redundant because, by the time annual results are consolidated and produced, the data is already obsolete and the market has moved on.

In the changing commercial landscape, delaying indepth business reviews until the end of […]

Remote work — the Impact and what Leaders can do

The Great Attrition

There’s a lot of talk about the impact of ‘remote work’.

Recent studies (cited by McKinsey) claim that workers are leaving jobs at much higher rates than normal. Some say that one-quarter of US workers are preparing to look for new employment opportunities. The number may be greater (up to 40%) in […]

Managing Cash Flow through Scenario Planning

In an uncertain business environment, staying on top of future cash needs is challenging… but essential. 

Scenario planning is one way to reduce risk and overcome uncertainties.

What is scenario planning?

A scenario is what we think might happen in the future based on certain assumptions. For example, we may ASSUME it will rain tomorrow and […]

Business Resilience: Through Precise Cash Flow Management

Planning, strategy, goal-setting: they’re all critically important…

But without cash, a business is very unlikely to succeed, let alone survive.

A resilient business is one with sufficient funds for operations and growth, now and in the future.

Managing cash flow is crucial, especially in a tough business environment. And it’s not just a financial, accounting or ‘modelling’ […]

2021 Business Planning

Business planning for 2021

By Ben Gay, Salisburys Director

We hope you’re managing and working your way through what has been one of the most challenging times from an economic and also from a social point of view certainly in our lifetime.

As we consider this new financial year despite the challenges we have been […]

Is Your Business Model Standing the Test of COVID-19?

Staying Current in Changing Times

In very simple terms, a business model refers to “the way a business makes money”.

Take a retailer, for example, who buys and displays products of interest to customers. By attracting people into their store, they sell those products and make a profit, provided the sales price exceeds the costs […]